Night Light

2010 - 16.25" x 12" - Watercolor, Arches Aquarelle watercolor paper

After one of the evening events during the weekend of our son Nick’s graduation from the University of Southern California film school, he and his brother Jon took advantage of some dramatic building spot lights. If you’re thinking Alfred Hitchcock, I wouldn’t argue. There were also some interesting street lamps in the area… and we …

King of the Ice

2012 - 16.75" x 11.25" - Mixed Media (Acrylic Colored Ink, Watercolor), Arches Aquarelle watercolor paper

He slows for a millisecond, eyes locking on the goal: the hockey player, King of the Ice. King of the Ice is a portrait of my athletic and talented nephew Adam Vance, who plays and coached hockey. The game is fast-paced and intense. The painting is mostly watercolor, but pearlescent acrylic ink washes add sparkle …


2011 - 18" x 24" - Watercolor, Arches Aquarelle watercolor paper

This is the first in a series of paintings that will depict a mystery man in a London Fog coat and Hannah Irish cap. I wanted this image to have a film noir quality to it. Throughout the series, I want the viewer to wonder who this man is, what he’s doing, where he’s going. …

The Bishop

2012 - 18" x 24" - Watercolor, Arches Aquarelle watercolor paper

The Bishop was waiting…

Canyon Lepidoptera

1995 - 21" x 28.5" - Watercolor, Arches Aquarelle watercolor paper

This was my third painting of drop-eye-long-lidded, hooded figures. The patterns for the robe of the figure in front was inspired by the wings of a dead butterfly that I found laying among some autumn leaves. I’ll leave the interpretation of the rest of the painting for you to ponder.


1995 - 21" x 28.5" - Watercolor, Arches Aquarelle watercolor paper

Strange faces with dropped and hooded eyes. Eerie, glowing light sources. Large, mysterious egg shape — meaning? A figure robed and hooded in bark, or is that its hair? Male? Female? What relationships do these huddled figures share? Mystery. Questions. Have fun! I was also interested in color relationships, textures, shapes, and continuing to explore …

A Moonlight Meeting

1995 - 19.75" x 27.25" - Watercolor, Arches Aquarelle watercolor paper

The figure on the left of this painting originated in a doodle I did during a college world religions course lecture, although it wasn’t wearing bark and feathers in that doodle, and I’m not sure if the lecture had anything to do with the doodle that slipped out. That doodle was later the subject of …

King of Konken Mountain

2013 - 18" x 24" - Mixed Media (Gouache, Watercolor), Arches Aquarelle watercolor paper

The ancient king of Konken Mountain hunkers down in his mountain cave. He’s been there for a very long time; moss grows in his beard and on his kingly jacket. He seems to sink into the very rock that forms the mountain. As we peer up the misty ancient stone stairs, there seems to be …