The King’s Torc

1979 - 12" x 10" - India Ink, Arches paper

While studying art at Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington, I became interested in the art of the European Bronze and Iron Ages. I was very curious about what the artists had been trying to express; what they were thinking; what their lives were like, obviously so different from my own. After school, I went on an …

Red Hat with Feathers

1993 - 12.5" x 10.25" - Watercolor, Arches Aquarelle watercolor paper

I bought this hat while on a European tour, and I thought it was fun and dashing with its bright red color and multiple feathers. The iridescent feathers presented an interesting challenge. I practiced many times before trying to create them on the actual painting. Something I noticed, as I peered closely at those particular …

Magnolia grandiflora Seed Pod

2011 - 12" x 9" - Mixed Media (Acrylic Colored Ink, Watercolor), Arches Aquarelle watercolor paper

All across the Georgia Tech campus in Atlanta are southern Magnolia trees. The trees grow large, hairy seed pods which open to reveal bright, red seeds inside. I used pearlescent inks, mixed with white ink for opacity, to create the sparkling hairs and parts of the leaves. I have to thank my son Jon for …

Great Expectations

2000 - 18.625" x 13.5" - Watercolor, Arches Aquarelle watercolor paper

“I want the carrots. I can smell the carrots. Those carrots must be for me. When are they going to give me the carrots? Don’t I look so pretty sitting here waiting for the carrots? GIVE ME THE CARROTS!!!!”

Crinoidal Limestone, The Rock from Hell

1993 - 13.85" x 9.75" - Graphite Pencil, Strathmore drawing paper

During a botanical art class at the Morton Arboretum in Lisle, IL, I chose a crinoidal limestone fossil rock to draw. Crinoids look like plants, but are actually marine animals. They are also know as sea lilies or feather stars. In cross-section, parts of the crinoid fossils reminded me of ancient, stone Cheerios. That was …

Argiope with Egg Sack

2003 - 16" x 12" - Mixed Media (Acrylic Colored Ink, Acrylic paint, Gouache, Watercolor), Arches Aquarelle watercolor paper

This seven-legged Black-and-yellow Argiope spider lived in some bushes near our house. It was fascinating to watch the spider catch insects, and later grow fat with her eggs. The egg sack she built seemed to glow in the early morning light. This spider is quite stunning, with her furry head and dramatic black and yellow …