The Slate

2009 - 16.25" x 12" - Mixed Media (Colored Pencil, Watercolor), Arches Aquarelle watercolor paper

I hesitate to write much about this painting because sometimes it’s just too fun to allow the viewer to interpret with his/her own imagination. Imagine, for example, what strange happenings old slates in classrooms must have witnessed over the years. Perhaps a person from the past is caught on the other side of this slate. I imagined the slate as a portal. All sorts of stories could spring from this image, and that’s the fun of it.

On the process side of things, I took a couple of photos into Photoshop and had fun. From that image, I really enjoyed creating the rich textures of old woods, chalk, cloth, dust, and metals in watercolor and a wee bit of colored pencil. Now, I invite you to make up a story to go with it.

This painting was included in Real People 2010, a national juried show celebrating the arts through faces and figures at the Old Court House Arts Center, Woodstock, IL, August 5-September 26, 2010. It was also included in Art Around the Corner, a Downtown St. Charles Partnership, Inc. event, at the SG Too shop in St. Charles, IL, May 1-30, 2010.


Original not for sale