Foliage 1

2002 - 18" x 12" - Watercolor, Arches Aquarelle watercolor paper

In photography, you can set the camera at a fast shutter speed to keep the point of focus (usually but not always the foreground) in crisp focus, while blurring out the background. I wanted to create that effect with watercolor. I used masking fluid to preserve the parts of the plant that would be in focus, and then used a wet-on-wet approach for the background. This softens the image, making it appear blurred.

Later, details were added to the areas saved with maskoid to make them appear in sharper focus than those parts farther back in space. I think it creates an interesting effect.

Shown at the Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL; at the Norris Gallery, Dellora A. Norris Cultural Arts Center, St. Charles, IL; and at the Illinois Education Association Office in Rushville, IL